Sorry for the lapse in posting. School has been keeping my hands busy but I've got a full week off that started yesterday so I'm hoping to get done all those things I've been meaning to do in the last little while and that included updating the blog.
I've added some of the drawings I've been working on lately on the portfolio section. I recentley did one of my grandmother and when I went for a visit yesterday to proudly show it off to her she immediatley said:
"I look old"
"Well how old are you" I mustered up
"77" she peeped
And that was the end of that.
The painting above is something I've been tinkering with and I swear it will soon be the death of me. I'm probably 1/100th of a way completed and that might be over exaggerating. I might have been thinking a little too ambious when I picked up the 30 by 40 inch canvas cause I'm already starting to pull out my hair over it.
But on a lighter note and to try and distract me from the aforementioned misery I've been focusing on a photography project that will be my final assignment for the class. We have to produce 10 prints with a reoccuring theme and I'm really debating with the one that keeps on popping up. I'm thinking of taking pictures of collectors, people who collect various things be it seashells to stamps. I like the fact that these little collections become part of who that person is and the topic of endless conversation from them. But I need some help, while I've posted little posters around town to see if anyone will proudly come forward and let them photograph them I'm running dry on ideas for all 10. So far I've got a lady who collects plates, one who covets first run books, another who collects those decrotive spoons, a vinyl enthuasist, a tattoo conniosuer and I've made myself a subject as one I'm not proud of but have to admit to being a clothe horse. What do you guys think, interesting idea or tired? Who would be an interesting subject? I'm really hoping for someone to come forward with a snowglobe collection. And what do you collect?