I've updated the portfolio section with a couple new drawings and pieces I've been working on and the main reason why this blog hasn't been cared for the way it should be in the last couple of months. I'm entering the two self portraits and chuck close drawings into the foundation year show at the seeds gallery here in Nova Scotia so fingers crossed.
So it's down to the final weeks in my first year at NSCAD so I've been a busy lady with all the final projects coming up. My photo project that I mentioned about collectors is well on it's way to being finished. I've done a campigan poster for Hilary Obama where I morphed both Barack and Mrs Clintons face. And I've been working on barbie sized dolls for my constructed form class in the same vain as the ones I made for Adam and Taras wedding for those of you who seen them.
Sorry if I've been a non-communitative daughter, friend, niece, grandaughter etc. in the last couple months but baked goods are promised in the NEAR future.