Another Portfolio Update

Hey guys, I just got around to updating the portfoio after finally finishing my first semester at NSCAD. I made a giant viewmaster and the pictures that follow are on the reel inside the viewmaster. That was super fun and I realized I really enjoy building stuff! Hopefully there will be more in store.

I've also been trying to complete this set of four dolls based on the Beat character(Jack Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs, etc.) but I'm having a tricky time trying to figure out how to make the faces look realistic to the degree that they're recognizable.

Then I completed an ink drawing that my mom is well deserving of. I kinda gave her a gift only to take it back and sell it so that one is especially for her.

And I'm so jazzed to tell you all that I sold my first painting. Words can't describe how jazzed I am about the whole affair. I've been walking around with a big head for over two weeks.

Anyways, i'll keep you guys in the loop cause I've got a full summer dedicated to making and creating all day long.