Party Hard with Seniors

This week me and my aunt, with the help of a lovely friend hosted a big birthday party for a special lady who turned 70 the other day. We were manic thinking we wouldn't get everything done in time and when we weren't worrying about trying to hide the party fact from the birthday girl we we're trying to hide all our evidence.

That's why I haven't been able to post anything of the last week though I've been busy making cakes and candy and confections. But haven't been able to display cause the birthday girl is an avid viewer of this blog.

Unfortunately being a student I had to go to class and ended up missing the whole affair but I've heard word for word, timeline included, of the party and it sounds like it was successful affair.

Have you ever realized how a lot of desserts involve fruit? I never even thought of it before I was told that the birthday girl has NEVER been a fruit lover so I went on a mad hunt to find a cake without a blemish of fruit and decided on a Lemon Curd Cake with Meringue Sticks.

And out of fear that there wouldn't be enough to feed the masses, I made another one. This one being a Red Wine Cake. I'm not to pleased with the outcome, it was too pound-ish cake tasting and looked like a confused art piece rather than something edible.

Tarts were a plenty. I made a turtle-esque tart filled with salted caramel, roasted pecans and topped with a chocolate ganache.

And something new, chocolate dipped figs stuffed with pistachios. Really easy and quick to make but if your thinking of doing something similar I would stuff it with almonds for a little more crunch.

And lastly Sponge Toffee for all.


Christine said...

Erin - What a shame that you had to miss the party! Especially since you did most of the work!

Your cakes were beautiful, and all of the treats you prepared were devine. You put so much work into the surprise and you made your nanny's 70th birthday very special indeed. All grandmothers should be so lucky to have such a special grandaughter!

Your partner in crime - Aunt Chris

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin, I just read Christine comment and I have to agree All Grandmothers should have a thoughtful Grandaughter as you have been to me, and me being far away it is a wonderful feeling to know that your Grandaughter thinks of you often, Thank you many times over for all you did to make my 70 th so memorabil.
Love Nanny