Home at Last

So I've had time in the last week to really discover Halifax. There were probably errands I could have run that were of importance to do with school and resumes but I couldn't help frolicking around this old city. I've already made some new favorite haunts including the farmers market held every Saturday. I promise to add some pictures of the place cause it is absolutely grand. Housed in the Alexander Keiths Brewery, it has 3 floors that have been lay ed out like a maze so you always feel like your finding a new secret around every corner. Artisan cheeses and meats and fresh brussel sprouts and root veggies, the place is a wonderland.
And then there is this little store called the Bulk Barn and I thought I had discovered a secret Heaven located in Halifax. After much boasting about this store that sells any kind of candy tools you could need I was told that they're all over the East coast and but that didn't mean it lost any of it's charm.

Coffee is pretty stellar, a huge amount of magazine stores which I adore, cute boys with beards and sailor toques and a bicycle friendly city. It's a quaint but charming place.
I promise with the New Year some more frequent posts. I've had some trouble with wi-fi lately but as soon as I can find a solid place to "borrow" a connection I will pump out more consistently. Happy New Year and all that jazz.


Christine said...

It sounds like you are falling in love with my home town. Being downtown, you are close to everything and you'll find the people friendly. You are making me homesick...

See you next week!

xo Chris

Anonymous said...

Erin my dear....... you sure have come a long way since you were a "Flower Monster". lol lol Your work is amazing and your self portrait is smashing...first off when I was looking at it .... I thought you were doing a picture of your Mom and then it kept falling into place..my goodness... it is ERIN ...WOW just beautiful. Keep up the good work and enjoy your life in Halifax because you are making all of us homesick.