I'm so excited to brag about a lovely pastry chef coming in to visit our school on Wednesday. This lady is a legend who prepared tiny bite(petite four) cakes for the Queen of England, was rewarded some fancy award which basically entitles her to use the words 'master of pastry making' on her business cards and was hand selected by Thomas Keller to oversee the pastry department of the French Laundry. Yeah, I said it, THE FRENCH LAUNDRY. That little ol' restaurant that is booked solid for six months in advance and regarded as one the best restaurant in the US, if not the world. Her name is Claire Clark and she is a master patessier and meeting her will grant me bragging rights till the day I die. I've been reworking the disaster of my entrement from last week and hopefully the new and improved will be edible enough to have a 'master patessier' take a bite. I'll post a picture when all is said and done.
Today we were also introduced to the pretentious world of chocolate tasting. We spent a whole afternoon tasting different kinds of chocolate and like wine snobs pretending to pick up aromas from the chocolate. "I taste tobacco yet smell flora." "Though I liked the earthy tones to it, the snap wasn't crisp enough for my liking." That's the snobbery we threw around today. And just for those wondering what a lady like myself, with a birthday around the corner, likes my new found saying 'the bitter, the better.'
And thanks to the people who raised concern about the bike thief. All I can say is that the situation is taken care of and because of an oath of silence(mainly for legal issues) I can't divulge in any way as to how if got back in my hands. But my lovely bike is home and being ridden on a daily basis.
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