Ginger Bread Update

So we've worked three straight days on the ginger bread house and I still think we have a ways to go but at least we're making head way. The frame is put up and one of my lovely classmates spent the day shingling the chimney and it looks great. We've made everything by hand, marsh mellow & candy canes and fondant & gum paste and probably 140 pounds of rolling icing, and it's enormously gratifying.

We've got the house underway inside. I've been dealt the duty of the kitchen and am slowly getting there. I have all the major appliances done and just have to put them in. Along with a couple more hours of fooling around with Marzipan.

The roof is complete but the outside still has a ways to go. We need to pour our lake with sugar, build up our forest and complete the storybook that will go in the front left hand corner. Our teacher blew sugar to make individual bulbs for each light bulb we have and I can't wait to see it all complete.

I need a couple hours of sleep but I promise to keep you up to date. It needs to be handed in on Monday so expect a picture in all it's glory soon.

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