We fooled around with chocolate all last week. There was truffles with fruit ganaches and pistachio gananches. Caramel coated in chocolate. Nougats and the like.
We learned that traditional French style truffles and usually scooped out of the ganache and hand rolled into balls then dipped into tempered chocolate and rolled in either cocoa powder or icing sugar. While those other fancy looking things you pick up at chocolate shops are little chocolate shells that's the ganache is pipped into and then rolled in anything you desire. The latter freak me out a little cause if the shells are not properly filled; air pockets in it, there's room for bacteria and mold growth which would obviously cause the eater some serious diarrhea.
And tempering chocolate is an art in itself. You have to heat your chocolate up to 45 degrees over a bain marie(double broiler) then cool it back down to 25 degrees which proper chocolatiers will call it's crystallization stage. To get t back down to the crystallization stage you either work out chocolate on a marble slab to temper it, add more chocolate to cool it down or what I prefer to do it your chocolate over an ice bath till it reaches your desired temperature. And I hate to bore you but that's not all. You then have to reheat your chocolate back up to 30-32 degrees and that's when you can have fun with it.
I hope we are on the list....
Love Mom and Dad
I was lucky enough to be on the list... and the goodies are to die for! What a nice suprise after a day of hiking to come home and find a parcel full of amazing decadent treats at my door. I pigged out on several, but am now trying to limit myself to one a day. Ha, we'll see how long that lasts!
Love Aunt Chris
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