This is a little project I had completed a while ago. A church around the corner from me were doing renovations and trying to rid all their 'junk' and included in their pile was an old window pane. Please don't ask what urge came over me to pick it up and take it home but that's exactly what I did. Hiding in the corner for a couple days while I was contemplating what to do with it I came across some old black and white photos acquired from my grandma and nanny last summer. I've always loved the classic aspects of black and white photos. Wanting to make sure I framed them so they were truly appreciated I couldn't think of any other solution than in the rustic window frame. Make sure to thoroughly clean the glass, add photo corners and, the step I misstepped, use a ruler to make sure they line up properly. Atop the picture frame are little knick knacks I've collected. I was so jazzed to find that rabbit cake mold today. I collect brass baking molds but today I couldn't resist the bunny even though he's tin.

This frame hangs in my kitchen that has a black and white motif so it's a nice compliment to a rather boring wall. Had more black and whites that weren't quite 3' by 3' but I still wanted to showcase them cause they make me smile. Still throwing around ideas but the quick solution while I think of something more clever or stumble across another window pane needing a home was to cut pieces of card stock and more sticky photo corners. The first photo next to the door hinge is my great great grandmother!
I actually seen a similar design in Blueprint Magazine. After flattering myself for thinking of the idea prior I was in awe of all the inspiring design images and ideas in Martha Stewart's new magazine targeted for the 20s & 30s crowd. Though some of the products are above and beyond my price budget it's great to use as a reference guide. Check out their blog:
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