Treasure Hunting

So these, my friends are my thrifty finds of the week. I was doing some back to school shopping and had to venture way out to the West wend of town which I don't usually get to. Along the way I discovered this lovely thrift store run for the SPCA. While I was pursuing the aisles the shop keeper informed us the everything in the store was $2. Me and fellow hunters went into a fit of fury, rummaging every nook and cranny. I picked up the loveliest suede vest only to be told that the $2 bonanza excluded suede's and leather, that what I picked out was actually $15 and though it was hard to part with that pretty moss green masterpiece I knew I had too. But don't be mistaken, I didn't leave empty handed. I walked out with a pretty jewelry box, a couple tapes including an old Pretenders cassette, vintage pipe tips for cake decorating, a silk scarf and a jackpot of a suitcase. I love the floral design that plays around the exterior and the rustic colors. Plus it still had its adorable luggage tag intact. I'm actually thinking of sewing up some detachable storage pieces with scrap fabric and Velcro and use it as my new toolkit to hull around all my school supplies.

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