And this is the tart I had to present in class the other day. School is becoming overwhelming lately. With the gingerbread contest, a presentation on vegan baking, mid-term on the close horizon and another special project I've been working on that I hope to inform you soon of. But back to the tart. We had to assemble a fruit tart and as usually I got a little anal with my color combinations but this is what I came up with: Poached Pear with Figs & Coronation Grapes floating on some Creme D'Amande, a little pie crust and a bucket of Apricot Glaze
Favorite Things...
And this is the tart I had to present in class the other day. School is becoming overwhelming lately. With the gingerbread contest, a presentation on vegan baking, mid-term on the close horizon and another special project I've been working on that I hope to inform you soon of. But back to the tart. We had to assemble a fruit tart and as usually I got a little anal with my color combinations but this is what I came up with: Poached Pear with Figs & Coronation Grapes floating on some Creme D'Amande, a little pie crust and a bucket of Apricot Glaze
For Us Carb Loving Bread Whores
Made Rye & Walnut Bread that was tender inside with crispy edge. Pita Pockets, Bread with a dark ale as its base, Butter Buns and multigrain buns and clover shaped sesame buns. And though we've had numerous practice with perfecting a baugette, none of us has quite mastered it. They day we do I think we'll bake an extra cake just to celebrate.
Ginger Bread Contest

Strange Sights
On My Desk
It inspire me to give a petite tour of my space. It's a little lackluster compared to the others cause I'm pretty much gadget less and my storage space runs low, hence to book case layed sideways over flowing with fabric and cookbooks. But I'm comfy in the tiny space and with some backwards thinking I've convinced myself I'm more productive this way. Books always help too.
The lovely people in my life tend to send me the greatest packages filled with decrotives for around the house; postcards, photos, books, hand made goodies, and countless other I treasure.
If you haven't noticed I always covet anything with Owls on it. Lamps and trinkets and earrings and piggy banks and salt and pepper shakers and earrings...
I also have a penchant for antique gadgets. I've finally agreed to get no more typewritters with the exception that I ever run across The Valentine model by Ollivlette, but so far pretty colors and bigger type buttons haven't swayed me. And those things are quickly becoming extinct and impossible to go anywhere to get fixed or purchase new ink ribbons.
Spiced Zucchini & Candied Pecan Loaf
2 tbsp Sugar
1 cup Water
1 ½ tbsp Butter
1 tsp Curry
Pinch Salt
1/6 cup Poppy Seeds
2 tbsp Zest of a Lime
½ cup Coconut
¼ cup Butter
½ cup Granulated Sugar
¼ cup Brown Sugar
1 ½ Piece Egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1 ½ cup Zucchini(roughly two medium sized)
1 ½ cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
½ + ¼ tsp Baking Soda
¼ tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp Curry Powder
Additional Pinch of Salt
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a shallow sauce pan heat sugar and water over a medium heat. Your mixture will begin to bubble and soon caramelize, at this stage you want to add your additional butter and seasonings. Stir and when bubbles start to form again, add your Pecans. Make sure to coat every morsel of the Pecan while stirring for an additional minute. Set aside to cool on some handy parchment paper.
Chai Tea
Cinnamon Stick Star Anise 2 tbsp Honey
½ tsp Orange Zest Dash of Cardamom 1 tbsp loose Black Tea
As much Milk as you’d like
Place 3 cups of water in a pot and leave to boil. Add all your spices (minus the tea) & honey in the pot and transfer to a low heat to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add tea and increase temperature to boil for another minute. Then strain over your fanciest tea cup and add your milk. Enjoy.
And today in school we made buns, too many different kinds to remember but i did remember the tidbit about hot dog buns. Do you know what the difference is between an East Coast and West Coast hot dog bun? Easteners bake their buns close to one another so when they rise in the oven there sides stick together producing a bun thats soft on all sides!
Portfolio A Go-Go
Banananana Bread
½ cup Butter *room temperature
1 cup Brown Sugar
2 pieces Egg
1 1/2 cup Soft Pastry Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 Cup Banana (3 medium sized) mashed
½ cup Full Fat Yogurt
1 tsp Vanilla
½ cup Walnuts
¼ cup Flax Seeds
Post Script: If your allergic to nuts and flax seeds are a little intimadating they can both be omitted and it won't effect the texture or final result.
Lemon & Coconut Crumble Topping
4 tbsp Butter *melted
4 tbsp Granulated Sugar
1 tbsp Soft Cake Flour
½ tsp Lemon Zest
½ tsp Coconut
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees while you’re getting everything mixed together. It’s best to start making the Crumble before the bread batter because the quicker the loaf goes from batter to oven the better rise you will get. The crumbly topping is simply adding mixing the flour & sugar & flavorings together and added warm butter to the mixture. Work with hands till it starts to form little clusters about the size of peas. Rest in fridge to ‘set’.
Proceed to oven and your Banana Bread should be ready in 1 hour 10 minutes.
Since your dishes are done and you’ve still got an hour to wait out on some tasty bread you could get started on a spread. This time around I made a Walnut spread by throwing 2 cups of Walnuts into by Magic Bullet till they formed a thick texture resembling sand. Then add 4 tablespoons of either Coconut Milk or fresh Orange juice and return the paste to the food processor. Once it’s blended till it runs smooth pour it into a jar, add 2 tbsp honey and a pinch of salt. Stir and spread.
Sugar Comatose
Then came the palmiers. Its simply croissant dough cut into a long rectangle and rolled in sugar. Taking the lengths ends and rolling them into one another. Then freezing the allow the dough to chill for easy cutting like a Pillsbury cookie log. The darker ones have additional sugar and added cinnamon. Though they tasted better, they didn't hold their shape well while baking.
An Apple A Day
Puff the Magic Pastry
Another Day, Another Parcel
La Petite Cream Puffs
Excuse my lack of postings within the last couple of days. I promise to be back in fighting form with daily updates but this week has been beyond words. Having to adjust to a new job on top of getting back into school mode has been a wee overwhelming. But I thought I would leave you with some fruits of my labour; Baby Eclairs.
We made the fluff base out of Choux Paste (pronounced shoe) which is basically Eclair dough that is cooked in preparation and bake for the final puff result. The one on the left is filled with basic whipping cream and added sugar and a teardrop of vanilla. A little tip when whipping cream, pre-refrigerate your bowl which will result in an extra fluff to your creams. The little guy to the right is filled with hazelnut paste which I prefer because the base of the pastry is fairly neutral in taste and the hazelnut adds a bit of lovely.
Antiques Road Show
I've never really been a car enthuasist (though I once claimed I would sell my first born for a Chevy El Camino) the design and detail in these collector cars really intrigued me. I know the terms grills and rims are supposed to apply somewhere here I'll take lady talk when speaking of cars. The hood ornaments were a sight to behold; women in venus poses, soaring eagles and the lovely one atop. It's always the little extras that matter most.